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A  Dose of Sunshine!



You don't need Bling to Sparkle & Shine Baby!

Writer's picture: AwuramaAwurama

Shimmer,shimmer and Shine!

You know how you always make plans towards something happening, or how you plan to do something then all of a sudden, something comes up and changes your mind lol, well that was me about 7 hours ago. So basically i had planned to write about how it is very important to be good people to one another by following the instructions of the Bible ( which i will, another day) then all of a sudden, this morning, as i was on my way to work, normally on the road to The Morning Star School, some traffic builds up between 7:15am till 8:00am-ish due to children being dropped of at school. So whiles i am in this traffic,listening to one my favorite worship songs by Tim Godfrey- So Good ( if you haven't heard this song before, it is AMAZING, i'll leave a link to it at the end of the blog). Yes, so back to what happened this morning, so as i was singing along to this song in the car, i had to stop at a zebra crossing just before the school's exit gate for children,adults,anyone standing at the end of it to cross to the other side of the road. At the right end of the crossing, was one of the CUTEST little boy's i have seen, who was holding his,i would presume his mother's hand and as they were crossing the road, this little boy decided to wave, not just me, but everyone! He waved the other people he bumped into crossing from the other side,smiling,showing all his cute milk teeth, he waved the people in the car facing the opposite direction, he waved everyone he could wave lol. Imagine, me, and my emotional self, this whole time i was like ''Omg, aaawww, this boy is super adorable'' and it wasn't just me saying that. i saw people laughing, smiling, i literally saw one lady say''aawww'' and one gentleman rolled his window down to wave back at him, and if you saw this man's smile, grinning from ear to ear, he was legit touched by this little boy's action. After this sweetheart got to the other end of the road, the traffic coordinator asked us all to go now, but myself and some other driver's were looking at this boy until he walked into the school premises, before we decided to actually continue our various journey's.

At that very instant, my entire day was complete! This little boy had brightened up my day and not just me, but everyone who saw this little boy. By him just waving and smiling to us the joy and excitement he brought into my heart. I bet you there might have been someone who woke up in a 'not so good' mood this morning, someone who just did not like the fact that he/she had to get up and go to work or school, someone who might be upset or angry due to whatever reason, but all of that disappeared when they saw this little boy. This little boy from that moment, made us smile,laugh,might have made someone even cry ( i might have even cried if i did not have mascara on) and for those few minutes, we all forgot about our problems and we were all just focused and fixed on the joy this cutie made us feel. He sparkled and shinned and brightened up our day just by waving.

Matthew 5:16 says that '' in the same way,let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven''.

I remember when i was a little girl, i would sneak into my grandparents bedroom so i could get the chance to put on some of my grandmother's jewelry because at that young age, every Sunday before we would go to church, my grandmother always looked so bright in my eyes. Not just because she is beautiful lol but because when we were all dressed and ready to leave, this woman for some reason thought she was Ms.Universe so would take her precious time to get ready, and when she was finally done, her jewelry looked so sparkly and shimmery and i just loved how bright it made her look. All that bling! So i wanted to shine as well so, i would sit in front of her dressing mirror, put them on and just admired how i looked because her jewelry made me feel sparkly.

At that young age, i believed that by doing that, i would shine as bright as my grandma did but i did not know that i didn't even need all that jewelry to feel ''shimmery'', i did not need all that bling. Yes it is very necessary to look good, but you can also sparkle and shine without it. This kind of sparkle is the Sparkle through the Word of God. Have you ever walked or been in a room where all of a sudden it goes completely dark and the second you see any source of light, you feel at ease and relaxed because you are assured that, okay there is hope. That is how God also uses us to be the light in somebody's darkness. When you have the love of God embedded deep in your heart, your life alone is a shimmery one. It is very necessary for you to understand this. The greatest shine any of us could ever get is to shine through the word of God.

Don't you just see or meet certain people who from a distance, you might say, ''aye he/she looks so normal'' but there is so much light coming from them? Sunni, that light is the grace of God. That bright thing you see or feel is the hand of God in that persons life and he/she is a reflection of the goodness of God. That is the type of person we should all strive to be. When Jesus is the center of your entire life, you become a blessing to people as well. You become the light in someone's dark place. You become the person that someone wants to be, for a good reason, because that person sees God through you. God's love is the greatest and most precious gift anyone could ever receive or feel. This little boy by not doing anything extra ordinary, but just by smiling and waving at us, blessed us in so many different ways, he touched our lives, he made an impact. When you have the mark of God on you and directing you, everything, everyone you touch or see, is blessed because of you.

Can you imagine being a person who is clothed with the love of God, who believes and lives by His word and His principles, who's life is guided and directed by the Lord, your faith is on a whole other level when it comes to you trusting God, you are shining so bright within, and topping it all of with some actual bling!! YOOOOOOO!!! The light, grace and favor which you will emulate, would be so bright, your enemies and the devil wont even be able to look at you and everyone else around you would need a combination of 3D glasses with the kinda glasses constructors put on, the really thick ones, when they are working just to be able to look at you!

God's love is free. He wants you even more than you want Him. He wont judge you no matter what or how you are. You were brought into this world to be a reflection of His Goodness and His mercy.Let your light shine on Sunni.

Do not ever dim your light, NEVER EVER EVER put out that flame in your heart. Be a blessing to someone and do not always expect to be the one on the receiving end. You are already blessed so it is time for you to spread that blessing. Open your arms, out so wide, a simple hi, checking up on someone, being there for that person, listening, waving like my cutie did, smiling even when you do not want to, laughing hard and loving everyone around you hard, be a blessing to someone so that God would see your good deeds and He would continue to bless you. Isn't His love awesome? This God! Oh My!

Sparkle on Sweetie, Shimmer,shimmer on! Sprinkle all your goodness all over the world. You are a ray of Sunshine. A beautiful creation. The world is blessed to have you in it sweetie!

You got this Pumpkin!

With love,


Matthew 5:14
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; ''




A Dose of Sunshine is an inspirational and motivational blog which was set up to remind you (the amazing soul reading this)  of God's amazing love and the reason He brought you into this world is  to shine bright baby! 

This blog is a pour out of real life experiences and challenges we all face but still trusting that God's love is overflowing and pouring down on us.

The idea of D.O.S came about on the 4th of June, 2018 and by the beautiful grace of God, that idea has gradually come up into existence. 

The sky is our limit and D.O.S is here to allow you to DESPERATELY CRAVE the love of God. 

Sparkle on Pumpkin!

Talk to us! 


Talk to us! 

We are here for you Sunni. You can share your testimonies or thoughts with us by simply contacting us. We are always  here and always ready to listen, don’t be shy!

Love, DOS

Thank you Sunni! Message sent.

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